After School

What Are Your Kids Learning After School?
As parents ourselves we understand how precious your kids are to you. When your child is picked up from school you want to have the assurance that they are safe and having a good time. You want your child looked after as lovingly and securely as you would.
There are many programs out there that can offer that kind of attention and security. If your like most of our parents you have also seen places that you wouldn’t dare leave your child. In fact you may have wondered who’s watching who!
Our goal at Traditional TaeKwon-Do Center Tampa is to not only offer your child a safe and fun environment but also watch them grow into confident leaders.
Let’s face it if you wanted them watching TV and playing video games all day, you could leave them at home with grandpa. However because you want the best for your child, you know they need much more.

It’s Not Day Care , It’s a Real Life Experience!
At Traditional TaeKwon-Do Center Tampa your child will learn life lessons that will stay with them forever. They get physical fitness, mental focus, self discipline, confidence and leadership skills, it’s a real life experience!
Our parents consistently report improved behavior at home, better grades at school and a new sense of confidence in all they do.
Our kids learn to become champions in all that they do. It’s not just about Martial Arts, it’s about becoming the best they can be in every aspect of life.
Stops Bullying and Obesity
Two of the biggest problems facing kids today is obesity and bullying. Martial Arts can be the answer to both of these problems. Your kids will get the physical fitness they need as well as the knowledge and confidence to deal with bullying.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can martial arts turn my child into a bully?
No. Martial arts training will do just the opposite. Children are taught respect, tolerance, self control and compassion. The use of physical force is always reserved as a last resort, and only for self-defense.
My child has special needs. Can your program help?
We have students with ADHD, mild autism, physical disabilities, and other challenges. Martial arts is one of the best activities for children with challenges.
Is your school’s emphasis on competition and winning trophies, or is it on the development of my child?
The development of your child always comes first. And unlike with most sports teams, there are no “bench warmers” sitting on the sidelines at Traditional TaeKwon-Do Center Tampa. Every student participates fully in every class. However, for those students who wish to compete at tournaments, we offer comprehensive training for all belts. Our school is consistently a top medal winner at the regional and national tournaments that we attend each year.